How To Find Out An Unknown Caller Number In 2022

A ringing cell phone is one of the most distracting events you encounter daily. Even your phone on vibrate or silent mode can break your concentration. Naturally, anyone that’s bought a cell phone has intended to use it to make and receive phone calls. The problem is when you’re constantly receiving unwanted phone calls from unknown numbers.

According to a recent poll, most Americans refuse to answer cell phone calls from unknown numbers. Only about 19 percent of adults in the United States say they will answer a call despite not recognizing the number. That’s a fairly incredible statistic when you consider that before services like Caller ID were available, every phone call came from an unknown number. 

The good news is that you have plenty of different options for avoiding the nuisance of unwanted calls. The bad news is that sometimes these unknown numbers aren’t the result of a spam or misdialed number. It may be someone very important on the other line with urgent information for you. That’s why it can be very helpful to learn the different ways to find out the identity of the “Unknown Caller.” 

What Is an Unknown Call? 

Technically, simply receiving a call from a phone number that you don’t recognize is an unknown call. These calls can sometimes be annoying, but there are several ways that you can find out who is behind the call. The more problematic unknown calls come with a Caller ID registry that simply says “Unknown Caller” or “No Caller ID”:

  • No Caller ID means that the caller has intentionally blocked the phone service provider from accessing their phone number and information

  • Unknown Caller means that the phone number and information weren’t recognized even though it was given to the phone service provider. 

These types of phone calls are very commonly used by scammers looking to steal your personal information. Identifying a scammer can help protect your personal information, saving you a lot of time, stress, and money. 

How Do Callers Hide Their Numbers?

Anyone can disguise their information by pressing a few phone buttons. The easiest method is to simply enter *67 before the phone number you’re calling. Entering *67-800-555-0000 will send your call as normal, except that the receiver will only see “No Caller ID” instead of your contact information. 

This feature was created with the intention that users could avoid being tracked and stay anonymous while making phone calls. However, you can probably imagine that it would eventually lead to mischievous, nefarious, and criminal activities. 

The good news is that there are several ways to get around the *67 feature. 

How Can You Find Out an Unknown Caller’s Number?

  • Dial *69 (Return Call)

  • Dial *57 (Malicious Caller Identification)

  • Call Your Phone Service Provider

  • Download a Third-Party App

There are several tools at your disposal that you can use to find out the real identity of an unknown caller. The sooner that you find out who they are, the sooner that you can block them, report them and be left in peace. 

Dial *69 (Return Call)

The fastest way to find out who just called you is to dial *69 on your phone. These three digits grant you access to the Return Call feature

After entering them, you’ll hear a recorded message that provides you with the phone number, time, and date of the last incoming call. You can write down this information to manually block the number from calling again. 

Alternately, you’ll be given the option to return the call and speak directly to the caller by selecting “Y” on your phone.

Dial *57 (Malicious Caller Identification)

Dialing *57 on your phone activates a call tracing service called Malicious Caller Identification. This feature functions in a very similar way to the Return Call feature mentioned above. 

The key difference is that it’s specifically geared toward calls that might break the law. You should only utilize this service if you intend to contact your local authorities to make an official complaint. 

It’s also important to note that this service isn’t provided for free. Your phone service provider is very likely to keep track of every time you use it and assign a per-use charge.

Call Your Phone Service Provider

Phone companies are federally required to store records of landline calls for at least 18 months. The same regulation doesn’t bind wireless companies, but they typically keep records for at least a year. Some cell service providers even store your records for up to 10 years. 

You should be able to obtain a record of the call as long as you contact your phone service provider within a quick enough period.

Download a Third-Party App

Several third-party apps are at your disposal designed to identify unknown phone numbers. TrapCall, Hiya, Mr. Number, and TrueCaller are a few examples of apps available for both iPhone and Android users. 

These apps are designed to help you identify the number that’s been calling you so that you can block them, run a reverse phone number lookup on them, or make an official complaint with the FTC. 

Most of these apps require a subscription, so read the fine print when you download them.

How Can You Protect Yourself From Unknown Callers?

Identifying and manually blocking unknown numbers is one way to reduce unwanted calls. The problem is that it will take a long time to block all of the numbers used by spammers, telemarketers, and other annoying intruders. It would be the equivalent of trying to dry your clothes with a hair dryer after getting soaked during a rainstorm. Isn’t it more efficient to simply use an umbrella to avoid getting wet in the first place?

The entire purpose of apps like Dialed is to act like your digital umbrella and prevent your number from falling into the wrong hands. The way that it works is pretty simple: signing up for Dialed gives you an extra phone number, so one number can be reserved for business communication and the other one for personal use.

None of your personal or business information is linked to the other number, so you don’t have to worry about getting scammed. Having two separate numbers also helps keep your information from spreading too far, making it more difficult for scammers to find either number.

Hide Your Number From Unknown Callers

Spammers and con artists are getting more clever in the digital age. They know that you can simply block their number when they call, so they’ve started using methods to hide their number from appearing on your Caller ID. 

Fortunately, there are a few ways that you can get around their attempted masking and find out their actual number. From there, it’s a simple road to blocking it and returning to your life with one less interruption.

The only problem is that these methods are time-consuming and largely ineffectual. Sure, you might have blocked one number from calling you, but what’s to stop them from simply using another one? And another one after that? The most effective solution is to have a second phone number using an app like Dialed

You can download the Dialed app today and enjoy a free seven-day trial to see for yourself. Why try to uncover hidden phone numbers when you can simply hide yours instead? 


The Best Caller ID Apps for Android and iOS | Online Tech Tips

Here's How Long Cellphone Companies Store Your Call Records | US News

How to Use *57 to Trace a Phone Call | Techwalla

Dial *69 for The Number of Your Last Phone Call | Verizon

5 Ways to Block or Hide Your Number When Making Calls | USA Today

Most Americans Don't Answer Cellphone Calls From Unknown Numbers | Pew Research Center

The Distracting Effects of a Ringing Cell Phone: An Investigation of the Laboratory and the Classroom Setting | PMC


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