Dialed: What Is It And How Does It Work?

The SBA reports that 20% of small businesses fail within the first year. So it’s worth your while to initially put the building blocks in place to grow your business successfully. You need to be highly organized, work to improve and maintain customer relationships, and continuously try to improve productivity. 

While these are no simple tasks to accomplish, Dialed is an app specifically designed to help you achieve these goals. 

What Is Dialed?

Dialed is an app originally developed by Ad Hoc Labs Incorporated, a fast-growing startup based out of Los Angeles, California. Marketed as “a macro tool for micro-business,” the app was released to the public on September 3rd, 2020. 

This product provides the user with a business phone number, contact management, and various marketing capabilities all available in a single app. Perhaps most impressive is that these features are all available for use on a personal cell phone, and no second phone is required. 

Using a specific routing feature, Dialed provides these features while also keeping your phone number private, therefore helping to create a firm separation between your business and personal life. 

How Does Dialed Work?

The easiest way to explain what Dialed does is to think about having a separate SIM card for your phone. This second SIM card contains your business contact information, but you would have to switch it out for your personal SIM card when needing to use your phone for personal reasons. 

Dialed allows you to perform this task without having to buy another phone or switch out SIM cards. It works like a second phone number for your phone. This concept has long been used as a form of cyber security. 

A “fake number” helps keep your phone number private and allows you to screen calls and numbers from unknown sources. Dialed takes that principle and applies it to business.  

What Benefits Does Dialed Provide For A Business?

Having a second phone number for your business helps run your business with your personal cell phone while keeping your number private and information secure. While that feature is possible in plenty of apps, Dialed provides many more benefits for a business than just a second phone number. When the various features are used correctly, 

Dialed can help a business in the following ways:

Dialed Helps Expand Your Business

Appearances are very important to the perception of a business and to succeed in general. This includes more than just your physical appearance; it even applies to a phone number being used. 

Having an official phone number for your business, including a corporate voicemail, helps your company appear professional and legitimate. Another benefit of using Dialed is the ability to constantly stay in contact with your customers, partners, and employees. 

The bulk messaging feature allows you to send promotions and product information to your customers as well as important news and updates to your partners and employees. These features, coupled with an unlimited amount of calls, texts, and picture messaging, can help to keep everyone involved in your business up to date. 

Help With Getting and Staying Organized

Being disorganized and sloppy in your day-to-day life leads to frequent irritations, but it can be catastrophic for a business. Running an organized business helps you to make it through your volatile first years, lower your stress, increase productivity, and provide better customer service. Staying organized you’ll put yourself in a good place to make it past the 1-year (20%), 5-year (50%), and 10-year (70%) SMB failure thresholds; i.e., your business will be successful.

Dialed can help you to get your business organized and stay that way for the long term. One of the more important features available is the ability to create contact sheets for your customers, partners, and employees. This allows you to store the call logs and texts that are associated with each individual in one easy-to-access place. 

Another feature is creating customized labels for your contacts that will allow you to accurately group, filter, and sort the people in your list. The VIP status feature gives you the opportunity to assign priority to some contacts over others. So if a very important person was to call, their call and information would be delivered first and foremost. 

Best of all is that Dialed allows you to import your existing contacts from your phone easily, so there won’t be any need for complicated downloads or file transfers.

Increase Your Daily Productivity

Staying focused and productive is challenging for anyone with the constant bombardment of interruptions and distractions in today’s world. However, Dialed has a few ways built in to help you stay focused and accomplish your daily tasks. 

One of the benefits of having a phone with two numbers is that it can help you to screen calls effectively. You can set your phone to ignore unknown numbers and only let verified numbers ring through. The caller will still have an opportunity to leave a voicemail, which will help you not get distracted by spam or robocalls. 

Another feature is similar to the VIP status option except in reverse. You will have the ability to deprioritize, mute, or block unimportant calls or texts from individual contacts. The option of having office hours helps you to set up barriers between your personal life and business life. You will be able to set certain hours throughout the week that are deemed your office or off-hours. Any calls or texts that are sent to your phone would trigger an automatic response with a personalized message. 

For other times you can set the app to a “do not disturb” mode for whenever you need to get away and take some time to focus on something other than your phone.

How Much Does Dialed Cost?

You might be thinking that all of these features are going to cost an arm and a leg every month. The truth is that, despite offering all of the features and potential benefits, Dialed is one of the cheaper business and marketing apps available. 

A monthly subscription for Dialed is only $9.99 per month, but an annual subscription is only $89.99, which amounts to a 25 percent discount. It is difficult trying to find another app that can offer similar features for a lower price than that. You don’t have to sign up for anything, though, immediately. Dialed offers a free seven-day trial period so you can see if it’s the right fit for your business and what you need. 

The Takeaway

Trying to juggle the balance between running a business and living your life is very challenging and might take years to figure out. However, using an app like Dialed can help you create better work and home life balance and stay organized, productive, and growing your business. 

You won’t have to purchase anything to try it out and see if it’s the right fit for you and your business. The free seven-day period should give you an idea about how useful such an app could potentially be for you and your business.



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